姓 名:張海娥
性 別🚾:女

職 稱🛁:副教授
1999.09—2003.07 河北工業大學 信息與計算科學 理學學士
2006.09—2009.06 蘭州理工大學 應用數學 理學碩士
2018.09—2022.12 天津大學 運籌學與控製論 理學博士
主要從事偏微分耦合系統的穩定分析與控製、智能材料穩定性與體育大數據等研究。以第一作者發表學術論文20余篇🦔👩🏼🚒,其中SCI檢索10余篇🪃,主要發表在SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics、Journal of Differential Equations、Z. Angew. Math. Phys.等國際主流期刊上,完成省部級以上科研課題多項,獲省高校科技進步二等獎兩項,現為國內外多種SCI雜誌審稿人🧗♀️。
[1] Zhang Hai-E, Xu Gen-Qi and Han Zhong-Jie, Stability and eigenvalue asymptotics of multi-dimensional fully magnetic effected piezoelectric system with friction-type infinite memory, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2023, 83(2): 510-529.
[2] Mahyar Mahinzaeim , Xu Gen-Qi and Zhang Hai-E, On the exponential stability of Beck’s Problem on a star-shaped graph, Journal of Differential Equations, 2023, 374: 410-445.
[3] Zhang Hai-E, Xu Gen-Qi and Han Zhong-Jie, Stability of multi-dimensional nonlinear piezoelectric beam with viscoelastic infinite memory, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP, 2022, 73: 159.
[4] Zhang Hai-E, Xu Gen-Qi and Chen Hao, Stability of a viscoelastic Timoshenko system with non-monotonic kernel, Applicable Analysis, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2022.2033233.
[5] Zhang Hai-E, Xu Gen-Qi, Chen Hao and Min Li, Stability of a variable coefficient star-shaped network with distributed delay, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11424-022-1157-x.
[6] Hai-E Zhang, Nonlocal boundary value problems of fractional order at resonance with integral conditions,Advances in Difference Equations, 2017, 2017: 326.
[7] Zhang Hai-E, Iterative solutions for fractional nonlocal boundary value problems involving integral conditions, Boundary Value Problems, 2016, 2016: 3.
[8] Zhang Hai-E, Multiple positive solutions of nonlinear BVPs for differential systems involving integral conditions, Boundary Value Problems, 2014, 2014: 61.
[9] Zhang Hai-E and Sun Jian-Ping, Existence and iteration of monotone positive solutions for third-order nonlocal BVPs involving integral conditions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2012, 18: 1-9.
[10] Zhang Hai-E and Sun Jian-Ping, A generalization of the Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem and its application, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2012, 39: 385-399.
[11] Zhang Hai-E and Sun Jian-Ping, Positive solutions of third-order nonlocal boundary value problems at resonance, Boundary Value Problems, 2012, 2012: 102.
[12] Zhang Hai-E and Sun Jian-Ping, Existence of positive solution to singular systems of second-order four-point BVPs, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2009, 29: 325–339.
[13] Sun Jian-Ping and Zhang Hai-E, Existence of solutions to third-order m-point boundary-value problems, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2008, 125: 1–9.
[1] 主持河北省高校科技計劃項目《非線性高階微分方程共振或非共振非局部邊值問題的研究》(項目編號⏭:Z2013016)➰;
[2] 主持河北省高校科技計劃項目《阻尼機製下高維磁效應壓電梁系統的鎮定》(項目編號👋🏻:ZC2024187);
[3] 主持市科技計劃項目《基於工程領域的非線性動力系統模型研究》(項目編號🙎🏼♀️:12110233b);
[4] 參研國家自然科學基金項目《測度鏈上高階動力方程非局部問題》(項目編號:10801068);
[5] 參研國家自然科學基金《具有無界觀測和控製算子的控製系統若幹問題研究》(項目編號🀄️:61773277);
[6] 參研國家自然科學基金項目《多連接柔性系統最優控製問題的Turnpike性質研究》(項目編號:62073236);
[7] 參研市教研項目《本科院校高專層次提高學生應用能力的線性代數課程教學改革研究》(項目編號:13ZD075)
[8] 主持校科研重點課題《基於傳染病HIV/AIDS的分數階微分方程定性理論研究》(項目編號:15003B);
[9] 主持校科研課題《基於工程背景的非局部微分方程研究》(項目編號🥄:13011B);
[10] 主持校教研課題《與專業結合的工程數學教學改革與實踐》🕐🔅;(項目編號:120816)🕍;
[11] 主持校教研重點課題《工科類工程數學課程“e-M-a”教學模式的構建與實施》(項目編號:170322)